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MS Oscar Wilde

The Irish writer and poet.
A dandy known for his love for big flowers.
And an admirer of aestheticism. A style
known for peacock feathers and fine porcelain.

MS Oscar Wilde

The Irish writer and poet.
A dandy known for his love for big flowers.
And an admirer of aestheticism. A style
known for peacock feathers and fine porcelain.

MS Oscar Wilde

The Irish writer and poet.
A dandy known for his love for big flowers.
And an admirer of aestheticism. A style
known for peacock feathers and fine porcelain.

MS Treasures

With a classic style come classic patterns.
To enlighten the dark wood, the concept
is inspired by true treasures that naturally go
with soft colors:
Idyllic Garden and Sea salt crystals.

MS Treasures

With a classic style come classic patterns.
To enlighten the dark wood, the concept
is inspired by true treasures that naturally go
with soft colors:
Idyllic Garden and Sea salt crystals.